Let’s do big things. Together.

You have an idea, and we have the know-how to bring it to life.

Let's discuss your big idea!

Directly with one of the founders, without intermediaries, non-binding, and over good coffee.

This is how your new software comes to life:

or hardware

Product Discovery

Making your software loved by people

Rest assured that developers will be working on something meaningful. First, we define the product, focusing on:

  • What problems do customers face and how can we solve them?
  • What should be prioritized in development?
  • What considerations should be made for the future of the product?

Why you need it:
Without this discovery phase, you might assign tasks to developers, but what if you create software that no one wants or finds difficult to use? #notwhatyouwant

You will also receive a prototype that we test with users, all under the supervision of your CTO or our  CTO as a Service.

Natalie Claire Martin

Founder & CEO Barncat App

"We are absolutely thrilled with the team at Cookielab! Their attention to detail and thoroughness have been invaluable from the initial concept to the development of our mobile application."

Are you a startup? We can also collaborate as investors. Learn how

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Why you need it:
Without this discovery phase, you might assign tasks to developers, but what if you create software that no one wants or finds difficult to use? #notwhatyouwant

You will also receive a prototype that we test with users, all under the supervision of your CTO or our  CTO as a Service.

Natalie Claire Martin

Founder & CEO Barncat App

"We are absolutely thrilled with the team at Cookielab! Their attention to detail and thoroughness have been invaluable from the initial concept to the development of our mobile application."

Are you a startup? We can also collaborate as investors. Learn how

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I want to better define and validate my idea

Development and launch:

Bringing your software to life

Thanks to the discovery phase, everyone now knows what to focus on. With that, your application will be developed before you know it. We offer a complete range of services:

  • Software development
  • Mobile app development (iOS and Android)
  • Quality assurance (testing)
  • DevOps
  • CTO as a Service

Why you need it:
A well-coordinated team of specialists in frontend, backend, and mobile apps will join development, taking care of everything for you. Even if there are changes in requirements, our agile approach ensures that we don't always start from scratch.

Jan Klička photo

Jan Klička

Chief Logistics & Stores Officer

“We are delighted to provide customers with the convenience of exchanging old furniture for new during a single visit from our couriers. Thanks to Cookielab, who provided us with a software solution.”

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Why you need it:
A well-coordinated team of specialists in frontend, backend, and mobile apps will join development, taking care of everything for you. Even if there are changes in requirements, our agile approach ensures that we don't always start from scratch.

Jan Klička photo

Jan Klička

Chief Logistics & Stores Officer

“We are delighted to provide customers with the convenience of exchanging old furniture for new during a single visit from our couriers. Thanks to Cookielab, who provided us with a software solution.”

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I want to discuss what it might look like

Improvement and scaling

Continuous growth for more profit

Launch isn't the end of our work; it's just the beginning for your software! Ensure your software meets changing user demands and supports your business growth with:

  • QA
  • Fine Tuning
  • Optimization
  • Development of new features

Why you need it:
Whether it's adding new features, expanding to new markets, or aligning with business goals, we're here to maximize the potential of your custom software even after launch.

Jakub Šulta

spoluzakladatel a CEO, carvago.com

“It’s rare to find a software studio that seamlessly integrates with internal teams and assumes ownership of the project and responsibilities like Cookielab. Knowing we can rely on them is invaluable to us, making our daily operations smoother.”

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Why you need it:
Whether it's adding new features, expanding to new markets, or aligning with business goals, we're here to maximize the potential of your custom software even after launch.

Jakub Šulta

spoluzakladatel a CEO, carvago.com

“It’s rare to find a software studio that seamlessly integrates with internal teams and assumes ownership of the project and responsibilities like Cookielab. Knowing we can rely on them is invaluable to us, making our daily operations smoother.”

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 I want to talk about it
software development icon

Vývoj softwaru

Nestresujte svůj interní tým novými prioritami. Zadejte vývoj nového systému nebo mobilní
aplikace nám.

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hybrid teams icon

Hybridní týmy

Rozšiřte svůj tým o dlouhodobou posilu. Vyberte si specialisty na vývoj webových nebo mobilních aplikací.

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CTO as a Service icon

CTO jako Služba

Skoncujte s chaosem v interním dev týmu. Získejte zkušeného CTO, který dá vývoji i lidem jasný směr a plán.

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product development icon

Product Development

Zrealizujte svůj nápad na nový software. Využijte našich expertů na vývoj webových i mobilních aplikací.

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DevOps Services

Pro hladký běh vašeho projektu bez výpadků, zpomalení a bezpečnostních incidentů.

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They've already entrusted us with their development

AWS partner Select Tier Services logo

Let's discuss your big idea!

Directly with one of the founders, without intermediaries, non-binding, and over good coffee.

...your career.
Check our job openings
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